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  • 进口二通旋塞阀


价格: 面议









1. 结构简单:进口二通旋塞阀由阀体、阀盖、阀杆、阀芯等组成,结构简单,易于维修和更换。

2. 操作方便:该阀门采用手动操作,旋转阀杆即可实现开关控制,操作简单方便。

3. 密封性能好:进口二通旋塞阀采用双向密封结构,密封性能好,能够有效防止介质泄漏。

4. 耐腐蚀性强:该阀门采用耐腐蚀材料制造,能够适应各种腐蚀介质的使用。

5. 适用范围广:进口二通旋塞阀适用于各种流体控制系统中,如石油、化工、冶金、电力等行业。


1. 阀门口径:DN15-DN400

2. 阀门压力等级:PN1.0-PN4.0MPa

3. 适用介质:水、油、气体、蒸汽等

4. 适用温度:-20℃-+200℃

5. 阀门材质:碳钢、不锈钢、合金钢等


1. 高品质:进口二通旋塞阀采用优质材料制造,经过严格的质量检测,确保产品质量稳定可靠。

2. 高性能:该阀门具有良好的密封性能和流量调节性能,能够满足不同行业的使用需求。

3. 高可靠性:进口二通旋塞阀采用先进的制造工艺和技术,能够保证产品的可靠性和稳定性。

4. 高适应性:该阀门适用于各种介质和工况,能够满足不同行业的使用需求。




1. 定期检查阀门的密封性能,如有泄漏及时更换密封件。

2. 定期检查阀门的操作性能,如有卡滞或不灵活现象及时清洗和润滑。

3. 定期检查阀门的材质和外观,如有损坏或腐蚀现象及时更换或修复。

4. 阀门长期不使用时,应定期进行保养和润滑,以保证阀门的正常使用寿命。



Mcville Industrial Group is a leading manufacturer of high-quality industrial valves, including the imported two-way rotary plug valve. Our products are designed to meet the needs of a wide range of industries, from oil and gas to chemical processing and power generation.

The two-way rotary plug valve is a versatile valve that can be used in a variety of applications. It is designed to control the flow of fluids in a pipeline, and can be used to regulate the flow rate, pressure, and direction of the fluid. The valve is made up of a plug that rotates within a body, allowing the fluid to flow through the valve in two directions.

One of the key features of the two-way rotary plug valve is its ability to provide precise control over the flow of fluids. The valve is designed to provide accurate and repeatable flow control, even in high-pressure and high-temperature applications. This makes it an ideal choice for use in critical applications where precise control is essential.

Another key feature of the two-way rotary plug valve is its durability. The valve is made from high-quality materials that are designed to withstand the harsh conditions of industrial applications. This means that the valve can operate reliably for long periods of time, even in harsh environments.

In addition to its precision and durability, the two-way rotary plug valve is also easy to maintain. The valve is designed to be easy to disassemble and clean, which makes it easy to perform routine maintenance and repairs. This helps to ensure that the valve continues to operate reliably over its entire lifespan.

At Mcville Industrial Group, we are committed to providing our customers with the highest quality products and services. Our two-way rotary plug valve is no exception. We use only the highest quality materials and manufacturing processes to ensure that our valves meet the highest standards of quality and reliability.

If you are looking for a high-quality two-way rotary plug valve for your industrial application, look no further than Mcville Industrial Group. Our valves are designed to provide precise control, durability, and ease of maintenance, making them an ideal choice for a wide range of applications. Contact us today to learn more about our products and services.

